
Max Planck/Harvard Research Center for Quantum Optics

The Harvard University Department of Physics and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) are leading research centers in the field of Quantum Science. In the past years, individual collaborations among the members of both institutions have resulted in groundbreaking research in several areas, including ultracold quantum gases, quantum information processing and communication, and quantum simulation. Our cooperation seeks to strengthen and expand those collaborations, develop new synergies to address the most challenging problems, and to promote and exchange excellent young scientists. The complementary expertise of Harvard and the Max Planck Society (MPG) will foster the development of new research directions, well beyond the current activities.

The main objectives and goals of the center include:

  • within the interdisciplinary field of quantum science, accomplishing cutting-edge, frontier defining research that could not be addressed by the individual partners alone.
  • promoting the career development of young scientists ranging from graduate students to junior group leaders and junior faculty members.
  • initiating innovative and collaborative research projects between MPG and Harvard.
  • attracting outstanding young scientists (PhD students and Postdocs) to be part of and enhance this unique scientific milieu, and supporting them in a top-level scientific environment.
  • establishing a center on quantum science that is internationally recognized as a worldwide leader.
  • providing a role model for international collaborative activities in science.